Attributes of Leadership 3

Courage :  Courage is the state of mind of an individual, in times of danger and difficulties, with firmness and stability as guides. It also involves the display of visible caution against avoidable risks. The individual's action revolves on the strength of the character, sufficient to surmount the effects of fear, which is relegated to the background. Self-Confidence :  Self-Confidence is the belief in one's ability to accomplish tasks.  An individual relies solely on his or her strength to successfully complete an activity without recourse to external influences. Decisiveness :   Decisiveness involves the ability to take decisions promptly and permanently, without resort to procrastination or contemplation. An individual does not reverse his or her decisions once taken. Donate

Quality and Productivity

A statistician, W. Edwards Deming, made use of the principles of variation as proposed by American Mathematician, Walter Shewart in business processes, in relation to quality and productivity in Japan. In recognition of Deming's efforts, the Japanese business community put in place a prestigious annual prize, the Deming prize, for companies that achieve visible advancement in quality. He successfully established the fact that business processes are exposed to deterioration in quality through variation. This has, to a great extent, assisted Japanese industrialists to improve the quality of their products. The quality circle or Deming circle is now known as Total Quality Management(TQM). Te circle comprises a group of workers who seek to improve the processes of production through planning, implementation of the plan, assessment, evaluation and correction.


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