
Attributes of Leadership 3

Courage :  Courage is the state of mind of an individual, in times of danger and difficulties, with firmness and stability as guides. It also involves the display of visible caution against avoidable risks. The individual's action revolves on the strength of the character, sufficient to surmount the effects of fear, which is relegated to the background. Self-Confidence :  Self-Confidence is the belief in one's ability to accomplish tasks.  An individual relies solely on his or her strength to successfully complete an activity without recourse to external influences. Decisiveness :   Decisiveness involves the ability to take decisions promptly and permanently, without resort to procrastination or contemplation. An individual does not reverse his or her decisions once taken. Donate

Attributes of Leadership 1 (Integrity, Sincerity and Honesty)

An individual who aspires to lead must be morally sound and straightforward in his or her conduct and speech, truthful, strictly fulfill promises and should be free from disguise and false pretense. Donate

Frederick Winslow Taylor

  Fredeick Winslow Taylor was an engineer and later manager at Midvale Steel Works in Philadelphia. Taylor divided manual tasks into a series of components.  This resulted in the measurement of the productivity of workers. This idea gave birth to the very first business bestseller, ''The Principle of Scientific Management', published in 911, after Taylor's first book, ''A Piece-Rate System'', published in 1895. In the present time, scientific management is perceived as promoting the dehumanizing side of industrialization.

Jim Collins

Jim Collins, a former professor at Stanford Business School, authored ''Good to Great'' in 2001. Collins spent five years on the book with the support of 21 assistants at his base in Boulder, Colorado. The book focuses on the prerequisites to being an excellent company consistently.

U.S. Attorney Secures 87 Month Prison Sentence for Violent Attack on Family Home

Donate ALBUQUERQUE   – A Fruitland man was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for firing 18 rounds at a family home occupied by eight people, including five young children. There is no parole in the federal system. According to court records, on April 28, 2022,  Nathaniel Begay , 31, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, drove to a residence within the exterior boundaries of the Navajo Nation after becoming angry while swimming at Morgan Lake. Armed with two semi-automatic handguns,  Begay  fired multiple rounds at the home, which contained eight family members including five young children. After briefly leaving,  Begay  returned and fired a second volley of shots at family members as they attempted to take cover. No one was injured. Begay  was arrested later that night following a domestic dispute with his wife. A knife and 9mm bullet were found on his person at the time of arrest. Upon his release from prison,  Begay  will be subject to three years of supervised release. U

Henry Mintzberg

Donate Henry Mintzberg is the author of ''In Mangers not MBAs'' published in 2004. In the book, Mintzberg asserts that the Master of Business Administration, ''prepares people to manage nothing'' He stressed that synthesis rather than analysis,''is the very essence of management'', just as he pointed out that MBA courses revolved around analysis. .

Tom Peters

Tom Peters co-authored, 'In Search of Excellence', the best-selling business book for over 20 years. Peters wrote the book alongside Robert Waterman and was, in the first instance, published in 1982 in the United States. 43 successful American companies with similar features are mentioned in the book out of the Fortune 500. The features include zeal for activity, their interwoven consistency and customer-friendly disposition.

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